MIC E-Learning Academy
What we do
We provide a multi-disciplinary community with quality e-learning experiences containing reliable and up-to-date content from experts in the field of microbiologically influenced corrosion.
Wide Variety of Topics
MIC is a broad subject area involving the fields of materials science, microbiology, electrochemistry, chemical engineering, assets design and operation, chemical treatment and more.
Self directed learning
Online courses can be taken in any order desired by students at their own pace. Courses include email access to instructors for questions and the ability to participate in our MIC e-learning community. Future group online discussion forums are planned. New courses continue to be developed and added to provide the most current information in the field.
E-Learning Community
Learning from one another is promoted through our MIC E-Learning Community. Enrolled students have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other students within the E-Learning Community. Current students will be invited to join our monthly online forums to discuss case studies and questions with the instructors and each other.
Our Courses
Now you can get
32% Off a 3 Course Bundle
Get our top 3 courses for the price of 2!
Fundamentals of MIC Threat Assessment
Fundamentals of MIC Monitoring
Fundamentals of MIC Mitigation
Fundamentals of MIC Threat Assessment
Fundamentals of MIC Monitoring
Fundamentals of MIC Mitigation
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50% Discount for Students
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(Bundles not included in student discount).
(Bundles not included in student discount).
Benefits of our training programs
Our instructors make MIC training accessible for everyone
Courses include a variety of learning modes including video interactions, definitions, clear explanations, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, case studies, reference lists, and much more.
"The success of our students relies on them gaining a clear understanding of the interaction between microbiology and corrosion - our training helps them achieve that "
Torben Lund Skovhus
Lead Instructor
"Case studies and real world examples are essential to our training. They help our students apply technical concepts in concrete ways that enhance learning."